美芯商城为您提供Murata Power Solutions生产的DC-DC电源产品, DC-DC电源

Murata Power Solutions生产的DC-DC电源产品, DC-DC电源共有 5752 产品

型号 生产厂家 产品描述
CDTNDTS4815C Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 15V 0.2A 3W 8-Pin DIP 购买
VKA100LS05 -1 Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 5V 20A 100W 9-Pin Half-Brick 购买
DMS-20PC-0-DCM-C Murata Power Solutions 2-WIRE METER +5V-20VDC RED LED 购买
NMV1215SAC Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 15V 0.067A 1W 4-Pin SIP Tube 购买
UWE-15/5-Q48PB-C Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 15V 5A 75W 8-Pin 1/8-Brick 购买
CDTUWR151300D48AC Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 15V 1.3A 20W 6-Pin Case C4 购买
CDTNMXD1205UC Murata Power Solutions DC/DC Power Supply Dual-OUT 5V/-5V 0.5A/-0.5A 5W 5-Pin 购买
CDTLSN1210D12JC Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 1.2V 10A 10-Pin SIP 购买
UCQ-3.3/35-D24NB-C Murata Power Solutions DC/DC Power Supply Single-OUT 3.3V 35A 115.5W 购买
ULE-48/1.25-D48P-C Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 48V 1.25A 60W 8-Pin Case C56 购买
CDTUVQ1840D48NBC Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 1.8V 40A 8-Pin Quarter-Brick 购买
OKI-T/3-W32N-C Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 0.7525V to 4.5V 3A 13.5W 5-Pin SMT 购买
CDTUWR339D48AC Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 3.3V 9A 40W 7-Pin Case C4 购买
BST-15/100-D48 Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 2-OUT 15V/-15V 0.1A/-0.1A 3W 8-Pin PDIP 购买
LSM-2/16-W3-C Murata Power Solutions DC/DC Power Supply Single-OUT 2V 16A 6-Pin SMT 购买
LSN-1/10-D5B-C Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 1V 10A 9-Pin SIP 购买
CDTNEA0051500S0C Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 0.75V to 5V 5A 5-Pin SMT 购买
NMG0512SC Murata Power Solutions DC/DC Power Supply Single-OUT 12V 0.167A 2W 4-Pin SIP 购买
CDTLSN2510D12HC Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 2.5V 10A 10-Pin SIP 购买
HPQ-12/25-D48P-C Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 12V 25A 300W 8-Pin Quarter-Brick 购买
LSM2-T/10-W3-C Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 0.75V to 3.3V 10A 33W 8-Pin Case 62 购买
LSN-2.5/10-D12-C Murata Power Solutions DC/DC Power Supply Single-OUT 2.5V 10A 11-Pin SIP 购买
CDTNKA0312DC Murata Power Solutions DC/DC Power Supply Dual-OUT 12V/-12V 0.042A/-0.042A 1W 6-Pin PDIP 购买
NDH4812SC Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 2-OUT 12V/-12V 0.032A/-0.032A 3W 7-Pin SIP 购买
NKE1209DC Murata Power Solutions DC/DC Power Supply Single-OUT 9V 0.111A 1W 8-Pin PDIP 购买
OKX2-T/16-W5P-C Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 0.7525V to 3.63V 16A 52.8W 购买
CDTUCQ1830D48PC Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 1.8V 30A 54W 8-Pin Case C67 购买
UHE-5/5000-Q12 Murata Power Solutions DATEL PART 购买
HPQ-12/25-D48N-C Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 12V 25A 300W 8-Pin Quarter-Brick 购买
CDTLQN2545D12BC Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 2.5V 45A 112.5W 10-Pin Case C41 购买
LSM-5/16-D12-C Murata Power Solutions DC/DC Power Supply Single-OUT 5V 16A 6-Pin SMT 购买
ULE-1.2/30-D48NM-C Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 1.2V 30A 36W 8-Pin SMT 购买
VKQ100MS2V5-1 Murata Power Solutions 100W HIGH EFFICIENCY DC/DC CONVERTERS 购买
VKQ100MS05 Murata Power Solutions 100W HIGH EFFICIENCY DC/DC CONVERTERS 购买
CDTUWR96100D48AC Murata Power Solutions DC/DC Power Supply Single-OUT 96V 0.1A 9.6W 6-Pin Case C65 购买
LSN-1/16-D12-C Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 1V 16A 16W 10-Pin SIP 购买
LSN2-T/10-W3NG-C Murata Power Solutions DC/DC Power Supply Single-OUT 0.75V to 3.3V 10A 33W 12-Pin Case B11 购买
CDTUWR54000D12AC Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 5V 4A 20W 8-Pin Case C4 购买
CDTUHE55000Q48NRC Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 5V 5A 30W 6-Pin Case C-32 购买
CDTULE1820D48PMC Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 1.8V 20A 36W 8-Pin SMT 购买
UNR-3.3/12-D5-C Murata Power Solutions DC/DC Power Supply Single-OUT 3.3V 12A 购买
NKE0515DC Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 15V 0.066A 1W 8-Pin PDIP Tube 购买
NMG1215SC Murata Power Solutions DC/DC Power Supply Single-OUT 15V 0.133A 2W 4-Pin SIP 购买
CDTLSNT16W3HC Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 0.75V to 3.3V 16A 10-Pin SIP 购买
CDTUWR121650D12AC Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 12V 1.65A 20W 6-Pin Case C4 购买
NPH15S2405EIC Murata Power Solutions DC/DC Power Supply Single-OUT 5.1V 0.003A 15W 购买
CDTNDY0505C Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 5V 0.6A 3W 8-Pin DIP 购买
CDTTWR5300015500!D Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 3-OUT 5V/15V/-15V 3A/0.5A/-0.5A 20W 7-Pin Case C4 购买
CDTUEP121400D12NC Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 12V 1.4A 15W to 30W 6-Pin Case C-15 购买
UCE-12/4.2-D48N-C Murata Power Solutions Module DC-DC 1-OUT 12V 4.2A 50.4W 8-Pin 1/8-Brick 购买

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