美芯商城为您提供Samtec Inc.生产的线缆组件产品, 线缆组件

Samtec Inc.生产的线缆组件产品, 线缆组件共有 86514 产品

型号 生产厂家 产品描述
PMSD-02-16-SP-12.00-D-LDS Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Discrete Wire 0.304m 16AWG 4 POS Discrete Wire Housing to 4 POS Discrete Wire Housing SKT-SKT Crimp-Crimp Bulk 购买
PMSD-03-18-SP-05.00-D-LUS Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Discrete Wire 0.127m 18AWG 6 POS Discrete Wire Housing to 6 POS Discrete Wire Housing SKT-SKT Crimp-Crimp Bulk 购买
HCSD-20-S-48.00-01 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Flat Ribbon 1.219m 28AWG 40 POS IDC Connector SKT IDT Bulk 购买
PMSD-04-18-SP-09.00-S Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Discrete Wire 0.228m 18AWG 8 POS Discrete Wire Housing SKT Crimp Bulk 购买
RF174-04SP3-02SP1-0915 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG174 0.915m 26AWG BNC to MCX PL-PL 购买
HCSD-25-S-06.00-01-N Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Flat Ribbon 0.152m 28AWG 50 POS IDC Connector SKT IDT Bulk 购买
PMSD-05-18-SP-15.00-D-LDX Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Discrete Wire 0.381m 18AWG 10 POS Discrete Wire Housing to 10 POS Discrete Wire Housing SKT-SKT Crimp-Crimp Bulk 购买
RF174-05SP3-01SP1-0280 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG174 0.28m 26AWG TNC to SMA PL-PL 购买
HCSD-36-D-02.00-01-N-G Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Flat Ribbon 0.05m 28AWG 72 POS IDC Connector to 72 POS IDC Connector SKT-SKT IDT-IDT Bulk 购买
PMSD-10-16-SP-18.00-S-M Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Discrete Wire 0.457m 16AWG 20 POS Discrete Wire Housing SKT Crimp Bulk 购买
RF174-07RP1-04BJ3-1000 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG174 1m 26AWG SMB to BNC PL-F Bulk 购买
PMSD-15-18-SP-05.00-D-LUS Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Discrete Wire 0.127m 18AWG 30 POS Discrete Wire Housing to 30 POS Discrete Wire Housing SKT-SKT Crimp-Crimp Bulk 购买
HCSS-14-D-09.00-01-T-G Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Flat Ribbon 0.228m 28AWG 14 POS IDC Connector to 14 POS IDC Connector SKT-SKT IDT-IDT Bulk 购买
HCSS-32-S-12.00-01 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Flat Ribbon 0.304m 28AWG 32 POS IDC Connector SKT IDT Bulk 购买
PMSS-10-22-SP-04.25-D-LUS Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Discrete Wire 0.107m 22AWG 10 POS Discrete Wire Housing to 10 POS Discrete Wire Housing SKT-SKT Crimp-Crimp Bulk 购买
RF178-03SP1-01BJ1-0305 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG178 0.305m 30AWG MMCX to SMA PL-F Bulk 购买
IDMD-04-T-02.50-G Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Flat 0.063m 28AWG 8 POS IDC Connector to 8 POS IDC Connector PL-SKT IDT-IDT Bulk 购买
RF179-72SP1-74BJ3-0254 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG179 0.254m 30AWG MCX to BNC PL-F 购买
RF179-77SP1-303030-0100 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG179 0.1m 30AWG SMB PL Bulk 购买
RF174-02RP1-07BJ1-0508 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG174 0.508m 26AWG MCX to SMB PL-F Bulk 购买
IDMD-06-D-06.00-G Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Flat 0.152m 28AWG 12 POS IDC Connector to 12 POS IDC Connector PL-PL IDT-IDT Bulk 购买
RF316-01RP1-303030-0450 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG316 0.45m 26AWG SMA PL 购买
RF174-03SP1-01BJ1-0130 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG174 0.13m 26AWG MMCX to SMA PL-F Bulk 购买
RF316-01SP1-03SP1-0381 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG316 0.381m 26AWG SMA to MMCX PL-PL 购买
SCP2-17-32-F-5.00-D Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly 5m 24AWG 32 POS Circular to 32 POS Circular PL-PL Bulk 购买
IDMD-07-S-05.00-G-ST8 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Flat Ribbon 0.127m 28AWG 14 POS IDC Connector PL IDT Bulk 购买
RF174-04BJ3-03RP1-0250 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG174 0.25m 26AWG BNC to MMCX F-PL Bulk 购买
IDMD-07-T-04.00-G Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Flat 0.101m 28AWG 14 POS IDC Connector to 14 POS IDC Connector PL-SKT IDT-IDT Bulk 购买
RF174-07RP1-01BJ1-1000 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG174 1m 26AWG SMB to SMA PL-F Bulk 购买
IDMD-07-T-30.00-A-P08-G Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Flat Ribbon 0.762m 28AWG 14 POS IDC Connector to 14 POS IDC Connector PL-SKT IDT-IDT Bulk 购买
RF178-01BJ1-02RP1-0120 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG178 0.12m 30AWG SMA to MCX F-PL Bulk 购买
RF178-02SP1-02SP1-0610 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG178 0.61m 30AWG MCX to MCX PL-PL Bulk 购买
RF316-03SP1-01SR1-0160 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG316 0.16m 26AWG MMCX to SMA PL-F Bulk 购买
IDMD-08-T-04.00-G Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Flat 0.101m 28AWG 16 POS IDC Connector to 16 POS IDC Connector PL-SKT IDT-IDT Bulk 购买
IDMD-08-T-16.50-G Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Flat 0.419m 28AWG 16 POS IDC Connector to 16 POS IDC Connector PL-SKT IDT-IDT Bulk 购买
RF316-01BJ1-01SP1-0610 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG316 0.61m 26AWG SMA to SMA F-PL Bulk 购买
RF316-06BJ2-06BJ2-2000 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG316 2m 26AWG Type N to Type N F-F 购买
IDMD-10-T-06.00-T-P06 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Flat 0.152m 28AWG 20 POS IDC Connector to 20 POS IDC Connector PL-SKT IDT-IDT Bulk 购买
RF316-01SP1-SING-0508 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG316 0.508m 26AWG SMA PL Bulk 购买
IDMD-12-T-18.00-T-P23-G Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Flat 0.457m 28AWG 24 POS IDC Connector to 24 POS IDC Connector PL-SKT IDT-IDT Bulk 购买
IDMD-13-S-24.00 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Flat Ribbon 0.609m 28AWG 26 POS IDC Connector PL IDT Bulk 购买
RF316-03RP1-07RP1-0150 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG316 0.15m 26AWG MMCX to SMB PL-PL Bulk 购买
RF316-03SP1-SING-0600 Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly RG316 0.6m 26AWG MMCX PL Bulk 购买
SCRUS-17-G-00.25-AMS-AM Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly USB 0.25m 4 POS Sealed Circular USB Type A to 4 POS Circular USB Type A RCP-RCP Bulk 购买
SFSD-05-28-G-03.54-DR-NDS Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Discrete Wire 0.089m 28AWG 10 POS Discrete Wire Housing to 10 POS Discrete Wire Housing SKT-SKT Crimp-Crimp Bulk 购买
SFSD-05-28-G-28.00-SR Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Discrete Wire 0.711m 28AWG 10 POS Discrete Wire Housing SKT Crimp 购买
SFSD-05-30-G-04.00-S Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Discrete Wire 0.101m 30AWG 10 POS Discrete Wire Housing SKT Crimp Bulk 购买
SFSD-05-30-H-40.00-SR Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Discrete Wire 1.016m 30AWG 10 POS Discrete Wire Housing SKT Crimp Bulk 购买
SFSD-08-28C-G-18.00-S Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Discrete Wire 0.457m 28AWG 16 POS Discrete Wire Housing SKT Crimp Bulk 购买
SFSD-10-28-G-19.69-SL Samtec Inc. Cable Assembly Discrete Wire 0.5m 28AWG 20 POS Discrete Wire Housing SKT Crimp Bulk 购买

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